Every business is looking for new and unique ways to market themselves, whether through flashy commercials, GenZ employees doing TikTok trends, or offering deals to entice customers through the doors. These methods are all fine and well, but what they lack is the WHY – WHY should customers patronize your shop? Perhaps more importantly, why should they CARE about you or your company? This is where longer-form content can fill the marketing gap. Two types of videos address these subjects the best: the Profile Piece, and the Brand Story.
A Profile Piece, while longer than your general social media content, is a shorter video that highlights your company and what makes you the best choice for whatever goods or services you offer. It shows prospective customers why they should choose you over the twenty other businesses offering similar products. Usually captured in a single day, Profile Pieces allow for one-to-two interviews where subjects discuss the company, its expertise over competitors, and brief testimonials about the quality of its goods or services. With a runtime ranging from three-to-five minutes, a Profile Piece is an excellent way to promote your company without overly taxing the audience’s attention span. It can also be easily cutdown to ninety seconds for use on Instagram reels. However, it does make it difficult to address another important aspect of marketing – why should customers care?
This is where the Brand Story comes in. Think of it as a mini-documentary about your company that lets customers see more than just the surface-level aspects of the business. It allows a company to delve more into its history and mission, with a particular focus on unique initiatives, goals, or community involvement. With a longer runtime of seven-to-ten minutes, and featuring two-to-three interviews, Brand Stories really show prospective customers not just why they should choose your product over those of your competitors, but why they should CARE about your company. Brand Stories shows customers the people behind the business – the heart that makes everything function. Brand Stories can also cover unique facets of the company, like new partnerships within the community or ways the company is working to be more ecologically friendly.
If your company is trying to step up its video content, Profile Pieces and Brand Stories are both excellent options. The problem may come down to choosing between the two, and the answer really depends on the message your company wants to send out and what content you may already have. The added benefit of these types of projects, however, is that they can be shot simultaneously, helping your business get the most out of the production budget. Additionally, both types of projects can include customer testimonials for short form social media content. Whether establishing your company as the best in its respective industry, or showcasing the community impact of your business, both Profile Pieces and Brand Stories offer a variety of video marketing avenues that no business owner should ignore.